Tuesday, September 06, 2011

I am damn proud of myself! I finished the soci readings for this week before the lecture! Having a 3 day week end really helps a lot. So now I don't have to lug a bound folio of readings or a text book to school just so I can read on the train! I have finished the task I set out to do, that is, finish my readings before this week's lecture.

Talking to others in my make up tutorial class, I noted they often found the readings to be tedious and did not really go through them. I feel accomplished thanks to this hahaha. Thank goodness my English is pretty decent so I can wade through all the long words and terms. It's all very sleep inducing but I managed to crunch my way through it all over the weekend. Now all I have to bring to school tomorrow is my pencil case and my TouchPad!

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