Thursday, September 08, 2011

Been blogging less and less. Means I can't trace back my history. I lost my Angry Birds (red) keychain! It was on my Adidas bag and now it's gone. Because I didn't blog, I no longer remember what's the exact date I last saw it or to narrow down when. I am sad. HP TouchPad has been one of the best things to happen to me recently. It is amazingly useful beyond belief. There may not be a truckload of apps but sufficient for basic stuff and even that is pretty decent to some extent.

The TP has replaced my laptop in the sense that I no longer bring a laptop to school recently. Which is totally awesome. I spent today till late in school finishing up a group project but I came back and didn't do much today. I get the feeling there is more for me to do but I can't put my finger on it. Possibly I feel weird for slacking. I need to work on Illustrator but I totally suck at it so...

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