Friday, August 05, 2011

So. Bidding for round 2B is over, and thank goodness the demand for SC1101E did not exceed the supply for it! So managed to get the module at 1 point. When you're allocated as little points as we are in SDE, you try to conserve it. =X So I can sorta treat this as me saving 111 points than if I'd gotten film. I do look forward to seeing the films my friends make though. Haha. And do sorta wish I'd know what film would I have made.

BUT to make this 1 point worthwhile, I need to remind myself to do my best and do well for this mod. I know there's a way to fit opportunity cost in here somewhere, but I'll be damned if I can remember. Last time I touched econs was in '07. So instead of film, I'll be doing the introduction to sociology and I have to make sure I can do it. So ladies and gentlemen, here's to me being a good sociopath!

Oh. That's not the word I'm looking for right? Must be watching too much Dexter. It is bloody good.

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