Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Sigh. Nothing is going right. You soldier on, you keep going, and try to bear the weight of it all. You try to grin and bear it. But thing keep falling apart. How long can you keep going? To be the master of disguise.

Failed my bid for SSA2218, Singapore film. By 10 points. 10 fricking points. Now I have to resort to bidding in round 2B just because I was stupid enough to think I was safe with 102 points. I should have just dumped in all my chips and gone all in. So now I have to contend for one of the last few slots in a class with all the Arts people who have a shitload of points to play with. I can only hope I get it and I'm damn afraid I'll blow a lot of points on it.

Way to go, gambling the rest of my education on that stupid 102 points. If I had been smarter I wouldn't have to go through the stress and tension of these two days until Thursday. And even then the nightmare is not over because I still have to see how many points will get me that class. Fuck man, seriously.

And then I thought I would be able to go to this Microsoft event on National day and get the chance to shoot some firework photographs. But I only saw the post at night after checking Facebook. And there are only 50 places. BUT they said they would keep the form open and close it after they maxed out. But they LIED. I happily signed up and only found out today that it was already full. So, FUCK. Another disappointment. Again. Great. Brilliant. Outstanding. IF only I had had a chance to sign up earlier but NOOOOOOOOOO. Everything is NOT. GOING. RIGHT.

Please. Give me a better start to year 2. I need this.

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