Sunday, August 14, 2011

Jeez it's just a damn status update.

YES. I am going to sleep.
YES. It is ONLY 140am.

It is in relation to the fact that I am damn tired after having spent the whole first Saturday of school working. I've pretty much been working on the one project for like 12 hours in total today. But sure, you are probably 9000 times worse off. Still, not like I am going to do it everyday. I know, I know, you archi students are the long suffering kids who don't get enough sleep and work through hell, etcetera. I totally understand that and I can sympathise to a certain extent, but don't take it out on me for crying out loud. You chose this path, and I'm not your punching bag. Neither do I want to argue with anyone right now.

You said it yourself, everyone is tired! Okay?

630am. You are waiting for a bus on your way to another boring day of school, when a guy runs by and proclaims: Holiday! Time for me to sleep in everyday! Yay!

Is that something very wrong?

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