Thursday, August 11, 2011

First day back at school and I am tired already. Soci was ok I guess. Only I have a heck of a lot of readings to go through. =X Did not see anyone I knew till the end of the class. As I left I think I saw a primary school friend who tried to get me into a dubious MLM a year back. (is there anything like a non-dubious MLM?) Of all the people from primary school, secondary school, JC, army, and hall I have to come across, it had to be this fucker. He didn't notice me however, thankfully so I went on my way.

First studio session and I am feeling very lost. Maybe I am rusty from 3 months of inactivity co we have to work with people we have never worked with before. I'm not feeling the chemistry. There's no general direction. One of the new poly students is in my group. Not sure how they work either or if I appear really lousy to them. =\ Hopefully things will pan out in the coming week. Can't wait for the weekend. Gotta get through Friday first, and get my readings done, as well as picking a tutorial.

Those sociologists write really sleep-inducingly.

Well, amendment: Today managed to be sorta productive as well! I suddenly remembered the used textbook forum and that I had to get my Soci text. I logged on but the first few posters had sold theirs so I camped there for a new posting. Didn't buy the $20 one, but got it and a coursepack for $22 which is not too bad. Spare coursepack can be kept in school or something. Also but put up a posting for my old Marketing textbook, untouched which I stated in the title. Booyah! Sold in a few minutes. =)

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