Saturday, October 01, 2011

Feeling weird today. Tired? Stressed out? I feel damn weary despite sleeping about 8 hours last night. Maybe I'm stressed out over exchange. I was keen on France until I heard even more info about how it's really really hard to get in. My second choice would have been Italy but now it is full. And their CAP is higher too. So no point. Maybe if I had changed earlier I might have made a safer choice and gotten a chance? But who am I to know? But damn, Italy. =( Still, I'm putting Netherlands first and I really really really hope I can get it. I have always wanted to visit Europe. I WANT TO GO EUROPE.

I want to talk to others but I'm damn busy now. Now desperately trying to cram for my Soci mid term on Thursday. And I have two ongoing projects that have meetings due on Mon. I have to finish all this by Monday. I most likely am able to finish if I devote as much time as I can to doing but the amount of work ahead is daunting and completely ruining my mood. Sigh. There's no drive. I need to push myself!

And I still have to reformat my stupid fucking laptop to 64 bit. I doubt I'll have time for that this week now. Study for my mid term first. And I still have IPT later at 430. Another mood killer. I am too slack. I have gotten used to the good life and getting adequate sleep. Now sleeping little is becoming increasing problematic.

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