Friday, August 26, 2011

Terrible, terrible news. Today's exercise is showcasing our work to the other groups and then we got to grade each other. After performing well in the first similar exercise last year, this time my group is ranked 9 out of 11. FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUU this is bad. Very very bad. We need to buck up. I am declaring a state of emergency. We need reinforcements.

I need to focus. Recently I can't help but switch off whenever other groups go on because there are just so many of us. This can't go on any further. It stops here. FOCUS. FOCUS. FOCUS. WAKE UP AND LISTEN. I need to get my head in the game and start listening and picking up on others. With luck we might be able to get back in the fight. This is not the standard I expect of myself. This is downright pathetic. Knowing the other groups below me they're gonna get a kick out of the results too. We're not going to be the only one fighting to get back in. We need to save ourselves.

I am utterly disgusted with myself. I set so many goals and targets and at the first review by everyone else I bomb. Failure is not an option.

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